Friday, February 10, 2012

Budding Reminder~

A new season,  a fresh start ,  and so we begin again...
I have been reluctant with starting, beginning again. And then there they were to remind me, guide me...
Some of us need reminders to stay a-path, and for me mine often come in the form of budding growth and the stillness in the air which comes between the  changing of  seasons.
They gently awaken my spirit and remind me it's time.
We have not forgotten...Have you? 
So be it Cherry blossom, Daffodil's  cups of yellow sunshine tea for the soul, Autumn's  Falling leaves, Spectacular mild winter skies or my tiny sweet  friends the
 Forget Me Nots.  
They arrive just in time, somehow knowing, somehow speaking the exact words I need to lighten the load of life.
Just like the truest of  friends they softly, yet so confidentially remind me of who I am, and seem to say you've  gone astray my friend... or are you on your path.
  It's as if they ever so tenderly, yet confidently mutter  words of encouragement under their breath and say, It's time...

And so it is time.



  1. Welcome back, Lori! Great to see you posting!
    I love your colors and textures here, and your words are inspiring.

  2. What a lovely photograph Lori. Really gorgeous.
