Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Robin - Purple and Green

I made this photograph at my cousin's house yesterday. I'm not even sure of what the plant is but I liked the shape so decided to get out my trusty macro and shoot it - Bang! Bang!

This is it straight from the camera. I love the colors just as they are so didn't even change the white balance.
I hope you like it too.


  1. Mark and I just had a conversation about this photo and he wishes the whole plant were in focus with the background staying as-is. I really like the more selective focus. What do you think?

  2. What a cool plant. I see both of your perspectives on this. A wider DoF for the plant would show details and give texture, it would also be more traditional, a botanical print. I would want to reach in, touch those buds (are they buds?) and investigate.
    As it is, it feels like a Robin photo. I love the way you use selective focus; that mix of solid edges and ethereal soft edges.
